Friday 4 December 2015

Yahoo Meyer dismissed if $ 158 million to pay compensation

Yahoo's future, and the fate of CEO Marissa Mayer (Marissa Mayer) is the topic of this week's meeting focused on Yahoo's board. But even if they are driven out, Meyer will get high compensation.

Meyer is one of America's highest-paid executives, so this is not surprising compensation agreement. Yahoo filed according to archives, 2014, if control of the company due to change of Meyer is no reason to dismiss, then Yahoo should pay $ 157.9 million to Meyer.

Recent rumors that Yahoo is discussing the sale of the core Internet business. In this case, Meyer's departure compensation is an important topic. Currently, investors in the valuation of Yahoo's core business has been zero.

When control of the company changes, compensation Meyer can be obtained includes: $ 3,000,000 in cash compensation, continued medical benefits $ 24,331, $ 15,000 re-employment compensation, restricted stock to accelerate the lifting of the ban $ 66.5 million, the option to accelerate the vesting 8830 Ten thousand U.S. dollars. Therefore, the total amounted to $ 157.9 million.

The compensation agreement with Meyer's astronomical salaries matching phase. In 2014, total compensation for the $ 42 million Meyer, higher than 2013's $ 24.9 million.


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