Friday 4 December 2015

IT is easy to abortion man's wife? Expert: justified

Facebook Zach Boge Xi was the daughter of the founder, and donated approximately $ 45 billion worth of shares - this is the most heavy news day before yesterday. However, Zach was how excited daughter, had had more sad, he said:. "In the past few years has been trying to have children, but miscarried three times this was a lonely experience if you have ...... What defect, or what you did wrong will lead to all this. "

Yesterday, the question is, according to Internet rumors: commonly known as male programmers code farmers because of bad habits, can easily lead to miscarriage wife, even especially talented programmers and rich Zuckerberg is difficult to avoid this problem .

Men codes farming families occurred "abortion" areas of high incidence of tragedy it? Why yard farmers this occupation will lead to miscarriage wife do, how to avoid such a situation?

Reporters interviewed the Chinese medicine hospital in Hangzhou, deputy director of gynecology Zhao Hongli, director of the maternity hospital in Hangzhou small male reproductive center fee and Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, head of andrology clinic Zhejiang University, concluded that: IT M due to bad habits affect sperm quality, the higher the probability of miscarriage indeed.

IT male, just yards agriculture, as well as websites and new media editor!

Men have problems led to poor sperm quality wife habitual abortion crowd there IT M

Zhao Hongli told a case: programmer Liu's wife is pregnant less than two months of spontaneous abortion; six months later, his wife there, this time tire stop education spontaneous abortion.

Zhao Hongli said: "I suggest that Liu do a sperm morphology analysis and inspection, found that he rarely normal sperm morphology, viability is not good."

"The man's sperm into the woman's situation is also a direct impact on the pregnancy." Zhao Hongli said, the sperm and egg combine into fertilized eggs, like a seed thrown into the earth, if the land is barren, seeds can not germinate, but if there are problems seeds, soil fertile again, to no avail.

Zhangfeng Bin in the clinic also found that pregnancy hampered problem of gender ratio is 2: 8, although women make up the majority, but the problem may be in the man body.

"Now we note that the long-distance bus drivers, taxi drivers, high temperature operator, long-term and chemicals, heavy metals in contact with workers, accounting for the majority, there is a particularly large class of people, is engaged in IT, including programmers and site editor. And these people is a common problem, and rest a bad cause decreased sperm quality. "

IT men and six tabs: impact on sperm quality

Then the IT man's body, which led to their sperm label issue that his wife frequently abortion?

These labels are: sedentary, staying up late, smoking, drinking, drinking coffee, cola, stress, lack of exercise.

Three experts explain these labels are scary.

The first label: sedentary

Small fee Yang explained: As a rule men genital temperature should be below the abdominal cavity temperature. However, after sedentary, blood circulation is affected, the local temperature will be higher, the number of sperm morphology, viability will be affected, likely to cause low sperm, weak sperm and abnormal sperm, which will easily lead to infertility and miscarriage.

The second tab: stay up late

In fact, stay up all night to make hormone levels disorder, making cell metabolism, affecting the normal human cell division, leading to cell mutation, including sperm damage.

The third label: smoking

Many programmers believe that "most computer equipped with a cigarette." Whether it is first-hand smoke or passive smoking, nicotine intake is likely to give birth to deformed babies.

The fourth tab: Junk Food

Three experts mentioned in the interview, the three major killers of alcohol, coffee, cola described as sperm. Began to mature sperm from the need to rely on the presence of androgen, testosterone is essential, reducing alcohol-induced testosterone within the testicles, is likely to cause impaired spermatogenesis.

Studies have shown that alcohol causes testicular atrophy decreased by 50% -70% of infertile. But after the intake of coffee, people tend to be in the excited state, when sympathetic activity is frequent, relatively weak parasympathetic would be suppressed, the clinical manifestations of libido, erectile inhibited, will also affect the pregnancy. As for Coke, also have some spermicidal capacity.

Yang added that small fee, programmers often no time to eat, or eat junk food, is not conducive to balanced nutrition, it can also affect sperm quality.

The fifth Tags: pressure

Zhao Hongli explanation: Under pressure, people of various functions will malfunction, seminiferous no exception.

Sixth tags: lack of exercise

Lack of exercise, people tend to gain weight. Obese men, testicles buried in piles of meat inside, is not conducive to heat dissipation. Suitable sperm growth temperature is 35 ℃, more than this temperature is not conducive to the growth and development of sperm. Plus obese men high estrogen, inhibition of androgen production, is not conducive to the growth and development of sperm.

Workaround: Jianfengchazhen movement must be eaten raw carrot

So, is there any way to save IT male sperm it?

Zhao Hongli said, you first need to change the way of working. Working for some time, you can go to a glass of water, or go window station for a while, you can stand up and shilly-waist, standing still. If you bring files, please walk to get, instead of scrolling chair slip past. Technical exchanges between colleagues, please refuse to pass each other messages, you can put a colleague shouted exchange position, or walked in front of colleagues to communication problems, as far as possible to make yourself more stand for a while.

On the weekends, it is best to have more than one hour of exercise, try not to stay home in.

Sperm production requires a lot of nutrients, such as zinc, selenium and other vitamins, amino acids and so on. In the diet, in addition to not smoking, no drinking, drink less coffee and cola outside Zhangfeng Bin recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables. Recommended vegetables carrots, carrot remember to be eaten raw.

In addition, it is important that, if the wife habitual abortion more than 2 times, as a husband, it must be done to check.


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