Sunday 6 December 2015

Social media giants to open up fighting terrorism propaganda network battle

Facebook, Google and Twitter are taking steps, "cyber-warfare" against Islamist militants on the promotional and recruitment activities. However, the Internet giant's actions very carefully, avoid the help departments to manage the Internet to the outside world the impression.

On Friday, Facebook announced that ban allegedly belonging to San Bernardino shooting principal tashifen·malike (Tashfeen Malik) account. She and her husband were seen shot and killed 14 people, while the United States Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) this case has been characterized as "terrorist activity".

A day earlier, France's Prime Minister and European Commission officials met with Facebook, Google, Twitter and other Internet companies, asking these companies to take action more quickly against the so-called "cyber-terrorism incitement and hate speech".

Internet companies on their own policy was straightforward: they will, based on its terms of Service prohibit certain types of content, and in addition only upon receipt of a court order until removed or banned content. Anyone can report or tag content, applications will be deleted.

But the reality is more nuanced. According to the former employee's claims, Facebook, Google and Twitter are very worried that if fully confess them, Europe and details of government departments, will face endless similar requirements in many countries in the world.

They are also worried by the user as a tool of the Government. Even worse is that if these companies clearly state the content filtering policies and methods, then terrorists will be able to explore more ways to bypass the monitoring system.

An information security expert to work with Facebook and Twitter, said: "If you know how to make it easier for content by other users of the message flow, then it will be used by spam senders, and others. ”

On the issue of terrorist propaganda, outside the least thing that is clear is that social media companies to cooperate with government officials in a variety of ways. Facebook, Google and Twitter said, the way they treat Government request request is no different from ordinary users, unless the Government can obtain a court order. In recent years, more and more Internet companies will regularly issue a transparency report, Government formally requests that the number of disclosures received.

But former employees, activists, and Government officials said Government departments also have some compromise. The main approach is that Government officials or cooperating agencies can point out that threats, hate speech, as well as instigating violence in violation of the terms of service of these Internet companies. If such a violation exists, the content will be deleted within a few hours or even a few minutes, and do not need to apply for a court order.

A social activist who helped to block multiple accounts, said: "with respect to official channels, contact Twitter directly and ask for help in the Federal Government sector more generally. ”

Shooting in San Bernardino, said Facebook and blocked Malik's account because the account in violation of community standards. Facebook's terms of Service prohibit praise or flattery "acts of terrorism". Facebook spokesman said that this account exists for ISIS, but Reject to disclose the details.

Controversial reporting mechanism

Some good organization activist also was successful in convincing social media site to remove content. A Twitter username is NageAnon French activists said, by providing a clear violation of site policy links, he has made YouTube deletes thousands of articles, and encourage others to come forward and report such content.

He said in a Twitter message: "this type of content is reported, the more, the sooner will be evaluated and dealt with as a matter of urgency. ”

One source familiar with YouTube running said if a video is reported, then YouTube people faster to evaluate this video.

However, based on reports to determine the number of users also brings other problems.

Employees working in the Facebook security Nike·biluogeersiji (Nick Bilogorskiy) said, since many Russian users organized reports, some pro-Western Ukraine blocked or restricted user account. Biluogeersiji was a Ukraine immigrant, he then helped these accounts in the complaint. In his view, should take a more balanced approach to deal with this kind of report. In addition, the Viet Nam Government officials have initiated the action, leading critics of the account is temporarily blocked by Facebook.

Facebook Reject comment on these specific events.

1th of the judiciary, politicians and activists hope to do is that Internet companies prohibit illegal contents are shared. However, this huge technical challenges, and policies need to be adjusted.

Distribution of child pornography can easily be identified, this is because the technology company has set up a database, to identify known photo. As for music piracy, the tech industry has also established similar systems. If, however, new videos and upload anonymous militants, it will be easy to circumvent social networks monitoring.

Former White House Deputy Chief Technology Officer Huang Anna (Nicole Wong), said technology companies to create a database in violence to resist. They worry that this could lead to government departments asked to filter content they don't like.

As Google and Twitter former justice officials, Huang Anna said: "technology companies very carefully, because they are multinational corporations. If they develop a system for a certain purpose, then it will be said that this system cannot be used for other purposes. If such systems are developed, in some countries, which could be used to prevent the opposition. ”

Amendment to terms of service

Internet companies have conducted a formal policy adjustments. Twitter has revised the service abused policy, apart from the direct threat of violence also prohibit indirect threats of violence, and significantly improves the speed of response to abuse.

Twitter spokesman said: "overall, we are faster to respond to requests. Which also includes requests from government departments. ”

Facebook said that this year the company has blocked all praised acts of terrorism.

YouTube expanded the previously less known "credible journalists" project. In this project, the United Kingdom counter-terrorism police departments, as well as many human rights organization Simon Wiesenthal Center and other agencies can flag problems video and their report will be immediately addressed.

Google spokesman revealed Reject, is the sort of "credible journalists" there. However, such a "credible journalists" are mainly individuals, while YouTube is based on the accuracy of their reports to grant them the status. There is no United States Government departments are allowed to participate in the project, but in the past year, United States non-profit organizations joined the project.

Simon Wiesenthal Center to combat digital terrorism and hate the project leader Labi·Ku Cooper (Rabbi Abraham Cooper), said: "we send the information, then you can get the answer. ”


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