Monday 7 December 2015

Obama calls for collaborative social networking sites against ISIS

CNET, according to foreign media reports, United States President Barack Obama's call for social media giants to help combat ISIS. In televised address on Sunday night, Obama said, "I would urge high-tech enterprises to use their technology to catch terrorists. "Obama set out his strategic plan against ISIS, explains strategies to fight ISIS steps in the future. And said to be vigilant against terrorist attacks similar to last week in California.

However, outsiders also worry about Facebook, Twitter, Google and other mainstream social networks would lose its autonomy under this requirement. Reuters quoted anonymity to people familiar with the matter said, "the technology giants worry that if they are too closely associated with the Government, they will face more demands and forced to bow to Government pressure. "Facebook, Twitter, and Google has a clear policy provisions dealing with hate speech and terrorism activities, but if they are overly tilted towards the Government, would destroy the user's privacy and freedom of expression.

White House officials say the Obama administration plans to meet in coming days with these social media to discuss preventing terrorism on social networks. Reuters said on Thursday on Facebook, Twitter and Google have met with France's Prime Minister and European Commission officials. Social networking experts say unless the Government enacted clear laws and regulations, otherwise they would not give priority to the needs of Government.

United States and United Kingdom authorities also called on the social network to cancel the encryption, but strongly opposed by high-tech companies. On Friday, Facebook deleted for reasons of violating Community standards of California assault suspect Tashfeen Malik, one of the main page content. Facebook will be allowed to promote terrorism.


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