Monday 7 December 2015

Micro-credit: already cleaning up hundreds of Uber and drops an account

Uber claims his micro-envelopes were killed, public messaging, micro team responded by saying the letter, concerned about recent Uber, drops of related service account cleanup has aroused wide concern, said up to now, the platform for 168 Uber related services accounts and 136 drops of cleaning the service account. Mainly related to irregularities induced by collecting users ' privacy, sharing, account number, elect, and operating without a license without a license, which involves a large number of drops, Uber personal account opened in the name of the Internet car business.

Relevant circumstances described below:

One, involving violations of State laws and regulations, obscene vulgar, induced by fraud scandal, concerns, share, false copyright infringement, induced by a malicious registration, a malicious report, elect brush powder, store, copy, zombie, invasion of privacy, illegal distribution, operating without a licence, and platforms for different levels of cleanup or punishment;

Second, since November, the app platform handled account 116,879 malicious violation of the public. Among them obscene account 67,883, fraud accounts 32,262, criminal class account 9,186, illegal business class account 1633;

Third, we are concerned that the recent Uber, drops of related service account cleanup has aroused wide concern. The investigation, up to now, the platform does for 168 Uber related services accounts and 136 drops of cleaning the service account. Mainly related to irregularities induced by collecting users ' privacy, sharing, account number, elect, and operating without a license without a license, which involves a large number of drops, Uber personal account opened in the name of the Internet car business;

Four, in accordance with national laws and regulations, related to user's life and property safety of industry, such as financial, medical, pharmaceutical and transportation and so on, need special administrative permission to operate. Platform requirements for the public accounts with appropriate qualifications to the public under the premise of law to provide the services to the user. At present, the platforms are on the closure handling related irregularities in accounts, as operators with the relevant certificates and credentials, through recourse to submit applications to the platform recovery account;

Five, we are confident that no problems could not be solved through communication. All along, the public on information disputes, differences of opinion and mutual complaint, app platform in addition to the public according to the relevant laws and regulations, and seeking more equitable decision-making, the platform itself has also been actively exploring the methods of management, we hope to establish a more convenient and efficient communication mechanisms, and platforms to achieve fair and impartial dispute resolution mechanisms. Meanwhile, we also reiterate: to affect the user experience and security, or with the aid of micro-platform seeking improper interests of the public and other illegal acts in violation of standard operating, the app will not tolerate.


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