Saturday 5 December 2015

Cell phone number how to let the cat out? Teach you how to protect your privacy

2005 a domestic website forum there is a special phone number table, nearly 600 celebrities, celebrities ' private phone number on the Internet and was spread to other sites. Those implicated stars feel insecure, panic throughout the day you were furious. In this list, including Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang and Chen Kaige, showbiz celebrities are listed even writers like BA Jin and Chili's not immune. Not only is the star, US cell phone number or face the risk of being compromised, phone number leaked the harm brought by Jue non-harassing phone calls like this one. How do phone number leaked? And how to protect your privacy? Our phone number is leaked?

Small series recently often received some fixed, phone that head asked I needed don't need decoration, and furniture like of things, just began of when I also wonder they how know I of phone, later slowly on understand has: recently buy House of when I in archives Shang wrote of is I of number, so, make decoration and sellers with of make to I of number also on surprise has. "Your sister's sales center," anyway, this is how I think. This is very typical of a leaked cell phone number, of course, much more than this one. Membership: whether the hotel or the supermarket, has a variety of VIP, Svip, membership had to leave their phone number.

Network: lots of code, think about using your mobile phone number to register how many website accounts?

Insurance: well, do you still need to make more explanation?

Questionnaire on the street: sometimes walking down the street will be stopping by all kinds of people explain the scope of the investigation or, even more frustrating is the fact that they had to be the importuning left to us mobile phone number with us, wants to quickly slip away, only gave them the phone number itself.

Forum, the stick: when walking through the Forum and posted it, small series to suggest that people don't put their phone number in forum or posted it to a building, because this information is fully disclosed.

Phone number leaked against

Mentioned mobile number of leaks can lead to endless harassing phone calls, but behind this case, harassing phone calls nothing.

November 2013, Mr Wang business cash flow needs, want to apply for a large credit card, he received a marketing text message that may help deal with large credit card. After contacting each other to express card can help Mr Wang, but Wang to get a debit card, and in order to facilitate communication, asked Mr Wang's debit card must be set aside for each other's phone numbers, Mr King did it one by one. Debit card opened, opposite bank auditing needs to bid for large credit card credit from Mr Wang to the debit card deposit into 40,000 yuan and Wang to go debit card number and ID number. Mr Wang debit card in their hands, card password do not tell others, shouldn't be a problem, but after two or three days, Cary's money is gone, he hastened to the Bank. Banking analysts believe that liar may Wang opened a PayPal debit card online quick payment, then transferred the money. But Mr King was relatively lucky, because the Bank contacted PayPal confirmed that the money was indeed was stolen by Crooks, was eventually paid in full in accordance with the provisions of Mr Wang's loss.

Network financial is a must of development trend, especially now intelligent phone function increasingly more, user also increasingly more, its behind of risk also increasingly highlights, like ctrip had was exposure online paid vulnerability or to user credit card information leaked, also has zhiqian news exposure out of credit card, validity, and Hou three code leaked, may led to card was stolen brush,, are is this risk of rendering. How to minimize privacy risks

1, pay attention to risks of online registration

Many harassing phone calls because you register a site accidentally leaked their numbers, especially the shopping site. If any link are likely to leak information, so don't use the mobile phone number registered untrusted site, directly using the user name registered.

2, do not feel free to leave your phone number

Whether in the streets of all kinds of questionnaires as well as on the network's message and the reply, don't leave your mobile phone number, if a street survey exception difficult, it is recommended that a wrong phone number.

3, Bank pay careful

Identify banking during card reserved is my cell phone number, and in the use of Internet banking, especially when using PayPal type of payment software, xiaobian recommended specifically ban a bank card is used to associate a keyboard shortcut to pay, to reduce risks to a minimum.

4, work and life apart.

So much trouble, but more peace of mind. We are in a little "Privacy" to speak of the time, du Jue privacy leaks almost impossible that we can do is reduce the risk of privacy, note the phone number leaked all kinds of scenes of everyday life, leave your phone number only when necessary, moreover, to banks to pay more attention to it.

5, old mobile phones are also at risk

Sell your old cell phone and we will format the phone, but actually delete data through a number of techniques can be recovered. User had deleted data will be to sell old mobile phones mobile phone dealer, did criminals, who use technology to restore the phone's information through the had phone banks to authenticate SMS and text messages to friends and relatives, walked from his bank routing number amount. So mobile phones either do not sell, to sell be sure to thoroughly remove data with professional software.

6, the installation of mobile security software

Mobile install security software is essential, today 360, Tencent, LBE application security stewards have the function of intercepting harassment. Mobile phones received harassing phone calls, cell phone screen will display the number has been marked by "harassing phone calls", "advertising", and so on, this type of harassing phone calls can also be added to the blacklist, so it could no longer continue to harass.

7, express parcel must be torn

Last this article is most often encountered of situation has, usually we received express Hou, on will readily will express of package throw, ignored has package Shang of personal information, and this is leaked of a way, and wrongful elements except records you of name, and phone, and address zhiwai, also will according to package Shang items of name to guess express package master of income situation,, may will provoked to many trouble. So throw away the packages before you give out personal information to tear down or blotted.

Written in the last

Finally would like to remind you that, no matter what phone number cannot be randomly fill out after all phone numbers bindings too much now, is we are in an era of no privacy, if you want to avoid these privacy risks is good to protect your mobile phone number.


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