Saturday 5 December 2015

Apple Announces Swift programming language open source Linux

Apple Swift last year introduced a new programming language, trying to get OS x and iOS application development easier. On Thursday, Apple announced that the language code will be open source.

Through the new website and code hosting website GitHub, Apple will open a language. Third party developers can learn about Swift's internal mechanisms, participation in Swift development in the future, to introduce a new platform.

In addition, Apple on Thursday also released a Linux platform for the Swift. This is likely to mean that Apple's corporate partners, such as IBM, will be able to use Swift language development for ordinary users, applications, and these applications can communicate with the Linux server that supports Swift language.

Despite their Swift is unlikely to be portable to other platforms, but Swift code open source means that other developers can introduce Windows and Android systems. Apple has said that hopes to make Swift over the next 20 years became one of the core programming language. If you want to achieve this goal, then made Swift supports all major mobile and desktop platforms will be necessary. This is also beneficial to Apple: more people use Swift, there will be more people who can write applications for Apple devices.

Open source strategy for Apple, very rare, but for developers of open source is not surprising. Earlier this year, iOS ResearchKit is open source, WebKit and Safari browser application is open source for a long time.

Open source does not mean that Apple will give others Swift to control. Apple will dominate the development of the language, just the future development will be fully open. Third party developers can participate in, assist with Swift direction, and make plans for the running mechanism and function of this language.

Developers can download the Swift adoption of Apple's new website and development, Apple App Store does not support this version Swift development of applications. This is for security and stability reasons. If you want to make the application into the App Store, then the developer still needs to be paid to Apple, and use the official release version of Swift. Official versions of development to lag behind the open source version, and synchronized on a regular basis.

Save the Swift code to GitHub, but Apple is using to build a developer community. This site will provide vulnerability tracking system, project blog, and mailing lists, as well as offering tutorials and guides on how to participate in the Swift development.

Apple did not say how many developers have received Swift language, but presents some typical development case, including Yahoo, LinkedIn and to-do applications Clear weather. Other than iOS and OS x applications and Swift application can also be used to develop tvOS and watchOS. Efficiency is considered higher than the developers of this language had been widely used by objective-c, while still can check for common problems and errors.

This is flexible enough to enable the Swift became a popular language. Attention to the programming language research firm RedMonk reported in July this year, Swift development faster than any other language. "The future of open source version of the Swift, as well as support for the Linux system, theoretically, Swift will bring better development momentum. ”


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