Friday 4 December 2015

Wearable device Way: How perfect fusion of design and technology

IDC's latest data, the third quarter of the global wearable device sales grew 200 percent, total shipments reached 21 million, although the overall popularity of the wearable device is slow, but still in rapid growing. Apple released this year Apple Watch, it has become the world's second largest wearable device manufacturer to 3.9 million shipments won 18.6 percent of the share. Number one is Fitbit, intelligent bracelet is still the largest market, but the market share has been Apple signs away.

Wearable smart device market is still in the early development of competition, between manufacturers, and Chinese manufacturers are also taking advantage of the early accumulation of seizing a large part of the market share, China has become the fastest growing areas of wearable market, IDC latest data from the display the third quarter of the global wearable device sales ranking of view, millet third, BBK ranked fifth, we can say, wearable device developed very rapidly in China, there is no sign of a slowdown in the short term, according to IDC estimates that by 2019 Worldwide wearable device shipments will soar to 126 million.

The market is growing rapidly but is still a niche market

Created in sensing things Yangjian Yong opinion, though the wearable device networking market has already had a significant impact, growing rapidly, but is still a niche market, far unsuccessfully public daily consumption of electronics products, consumers are still struggling Looking for wearable smart devices practical value. Wearable device is a high-visibility products, you need to blur the boundaries between fashion and technology, whether worn on the wrist, head or other parts, consumers want wearable device capable of full integration with their own style, Apple Watch men and women suspected of being welcome is the best example.

Wearable device the perfect blend of design and technology

From fashion, cool and technology blur the boundaries in terms of Apple Watch is a better example, sensing things Created opinion, Apple Watch reason that men and women are welcome, that limit wear everything is so natural, fashion and technology perfect fusion. By functions such as Apple to highlight Apple Watch, it certainly can not be made now Apple Watch achievements, for Apple, a new product has entered the world's second largest wearable device, bringing billions of dollars in business, has been very success. Combination of fashion and technology apple Apple Watch, I will not long-winded, too much information about Apple Watch, and will not repeat Apple Watch, taking into account China is the world's most important market for wearable device can be, and millet, BBK also entered the global the top five, the success of millet has two aspects, one is the grip ring instrumentalization, as I mentioned in the last article, a simple, single function, is the most popular product; the second is millet marketing strategy.

Wearable device rapid development in China, the country has plenty of wearable smart device innovation and entrepreneurial team, bracelets, watches, glasses and other kinds of entrepreneurial team. Speaking of glasses, I must mention Google glasses, is Google glasses wearable smart devices directly pull heat, for the market, Google glasses is a failure of the product, too powerful, for the mass consumer, not absolutely necessary, Of course, one launched from the Google Glass, Google's gone be positioned as a commercial product. Whether Google glasses if existing rumors, Google glasses will restart, according to the latest information the US Patent and Trademark Office shows that Google glasses may return in the form of a monocle market.

Mentioned glasses, so a domestic glasses, the Optoma Technology to create "cool mirror", drawing on the experience of Google glasses, locating the main tide cool fashion group, in the design of fashion sense and sense of Things Created Yang Jianyong learned that "Cool Mirror" is used internationally renowned Frog Design team to create, in the article, I have a point of view that is: in order to enter the wearable device, choose their own areas of expertise to cut, rather than make a powerful hardware , located in the young fashion, product design should hyun, cool, designers and application developers stay productive interactive, focused, and then cultivate personality of the brand culture. "Cool Mirror" team in this play to the extreme, at least in the domestic team, I do not see, if better, please tell me.

The intelligent portable device worn by itself is the traditional portable wearable device, whether it is watches, rings or clothes, we put their intelligence, if the consumer groups are public, then it need not emphasize functional overlay, the main young fashion, play it cool family , then in this direction to make the brand guide. Wearable device level now hot, surface beauty, practical life relatively difficult, most difficult to improve the situation, the product line, sales, price fight, fight the hardware, the smart phone set of gameplay copy, but in fact, at this stage the wearable device still a small niche market, even if the price and then Si Pin, can not play the amount of the last vicious circle, does not exclude the possibility of the industry to become martyrs.

With glasses, for example, is itself a legacy devices, must comply with the consumer's own taste is a spectacle, equipment and their own style blend. As a smart device, provided to blur the boundaries of design and technology, it is natural, it is a perfect blend of science and technology, enhance the value of traditional equipment after intelligent. Such as Google glasses glasses constantly stressed how fast hardware function, then only the engineering machine, the mass of consumers will not necessarily buy. Just talked about "cool mirror", the first integration of science and technology, photography, virtual reality, or other valuable services through the new, stylish, cool, according to Optoma Technology CEO Yeshuai (Ye Chenguang handsome, habits he referred to as leaf Shuai) introduced, spent two years to find the "cool mirror" killer application, "one thousand Plan", live everyone's eyes. Sensing things Created Yangjian Yong said: after all, for the trendy young people, wearing the device on the primary consideration appearance tall, armed to the perfect integration with the body, and then through its own function, the Cool enhance a higher realm, the same sorts of stuff family Through science and technology to enhance a hierarchy itself sorts of stuff, to have this effect. Yeshuai itself be cool family, reportedly jumped from space, combined with science and technology play it cool, is not it cool?

Compared to other hardware innovation team, regardless of the bracelet or watch, especially children watch, smartphones set of games are played, in fact, not long to go this route, in a niche market, which fight the hardware that price, its hard, through the accumulation of product brand culture is a good choice, another team in the country Tuman smart watches, such as through a variety of basketball, football and other sports, by plane to shape the brand value. Intelligent hardware layout itself is the accumulation stage, far from the outbreak of the mass consumer market, should focus on the future, the layout of the long-term, rather than the now out of the number of goods. Also in intelligent hardware investment institutions layout layout itself, do not worry temporary sales, the core of the team to create a truly perfect fusion of science and technology from design and technology class wearable device, the only way in the future have a chance outbreak.


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