Saturday 5 December 2015

Smartphone growth: Apple will benefit?

IDC's latest statistics showed, in 2015 the Smartphone market growth fell into the single digits for the first time, leaving many manufacturers began to panic. But for Apple, I'm afraid the news is good too!

Smartphones of the past decade's golden decade, if carefully done, it could have a share from the market. But the good times seemed to run out this year, IDC's latest data show 2015 growth fell into the single digits in the Smartphone market, this is the first time in almost a decade. But the emergence of this trend is to be expected, after ten years of cultivation, after all, the market has been saturated, older cell phone consumers have been replaced by smart phones. Go on like this, I am afraid that day mobile phone manufacturer is hard, but with one exception, it is an Apple, slowing growth may give Apple more opportunities.

A golden decade is no longer

IDC report, 2015 Smartphone shipments of about 1.43 billion, 9.8% over the last year, the Asia-Pacific, growth in Latin America and Western Europe are in decline.

In addition, IDC expects Android and iOS, but other small operating system shipments continued to decline in the future.

But slowdown is still probably the most important reason the market's volatility. Most of the world's largest smartphone market, sales in China each year are eaten in the world one-third, China's actions will cause an enormous impact on the global market. After several years after the Fiery Chinese smartphone market already saturated, coverage almost 100%.

"In the past, our goal is to make old-fashioned features user replaceable intelligent machines," IDC's mobile markets head of research Anthony says, "but now the road to nowhere, China. ”

Outbreaks of emerging markets

Although the Chinese market growth is slowing, but other emerging markets such as the Middle East and African markets are vibrant, its growth rate of a staggering 50%, a figure even lower than traditional emerging markets of India and Indonesia but also amazing.

Want this momentum to continue in emerging markets, would still have to rely on lower-priced, but which can seriously affect the manufacturer's profit margin. After all, in more mature markets, manufacturers prefer to use staging or trade-in promotion, Apple is United States rolled out a new-for-old schemes.

The real winners

All of these seem to be implying that Apple is still the winner. Similar to the real estate market, consumers have enough money and it will begin to seek ways to improve the existing living conditions, while in countries with high smart-phone coverage, many consumers are starting to get tired of them in the hands of cheap smartphones, and Apple is worthy of the King on the high-end smartphone market, which consumers will become the Apple of potential users. Last quarter, Apple earned big bucks in China, with the 6s series of best selling Apple's revenues grew 99%. With China's gradual perfection of 4G network, will usher in a replacement boom in the market. Even if not in the sales account, their profit margins will make others jealous of terror.

So, even if the Smartphone shipments growth slowed to Apple and other manufacturers is not end of the world, the real fear is that those who are already struggling small producers.


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