Tuesday 8 December 2015

A patent fight to Apple a lot of secrets exposed

Apple and Samsung patent war starting from 2011, and more recently Korea Samsung finally agrees to pay Apple $ 548 million (about 3.51 billion yuan), paying for infringing Apple's patents and designs. The cause of the awards are still Samsung infringed Apple's patent, was a copy of Apple's iPhone design. In May last year United States court damages decreased from us $ 930 million to $ 548 million. Other proceedings connected with infringement of Samsung products will be heard beginning next spring.

This patent lawsuit after several hearings, witnesses took turns on stage Apple and Samsung, Apple to prove infringement of Samsung, Samsung felt that Apple's complaint is not valid, now everything is clear. Witnesses in the process, we also know that some Apple would not normally open secrets.

Stunning iPhone prototype

Undoubtedly this exposure of secrets in patent battle, is the most Quotable iPhone prototype. Such as the following eight-iPhone.

This is one of the first iPhone prototype, the status bar indicates the signal strength of a small white spot on. Many icons are based on corresponding applications in the OS x system icon design. In the Home, we also see a "Menu". IPhone is how to start?

Early preparation and software

Sikete·fusite was in charge of iPhone team, jobs from within the company allowed him to any team and the Department deployed additional staff to enter the iPhone team. But he also told foster, outside the company who do not have to consider.

Foster, redeploying staff can't even tell them, what does he need them to be responsible for the project. He can only say, if you choose to join, then they would have to "keep working hard for several years, to give up evenings and weekends the rest of the time. "He is very direct and tell them:" If you choose this role, you will have to work harder than before. ”

Apple to "Project Purple" named for the iPhone project, the development work is done in a separate building, it all became foster's dormitory. "There's always someone, is full of pizza flavor. ”

Security level almost to the point of fly can't get. Building that is full of cameras and card machines, staff has to produce documents before entering the important development area, 5-6.

Original iPhone development team posted on the wall in a "Fight Club" poster and Project Purple project, whose article is not talking about any Project related to the Purple thing.

Foster development of a generation of the iOS interface very much, he spent several years in it.

Foster said the reading text on a page need to pinch zoom, he can't stand this operation, so came up with double-click Zoom feature.

2012 Apple iPhone Panel for 2000 in the number of people now may have more.

In addition to software, the suit also makes us aware of Apple's industrial design team. Apple designers kelisiduofu·sitelinge (Christopher Stringer) to testify will say a lot of interesting information.

Hardware and industrial design

When iPhone project's industrial design team, a total of 16 people, they're very crazy, there is only one common goal--to imagine a unprecedented products, used to guide them. Apple's industrial design team work closely, often exchanging ideas and sketches on current and future products. Stringer said the Panel members for feedback on proposed design is usually very cruel but also very real.

Iterative process is very long and, in some cases, a simple design elements might have 50 different models.

Apple's industrial design team and technical staff in close cooperation. How problems with the different designs and effects, such as drop tests of durability, technical feedback to design teams in these areas.

Early iPad prototypes have support bars

Stringer testified in court in the course of said generation almost with two curved glass on the iPhone, but in the end they give up this design, because of the limited technology at that time, after all, the iPhone is to mass production, according to the specifications of Apple to cut the glass, cost is very high. But Apple iPhone prototype surfaces.

Apple several years ago to focus on the automotive industry

Apple Executive Phil Schiller said when testifying, built upon the success of the iPod, Apple brainstorm product ideas to encourage employees to think Apple is very open in this regard.

"Following the success of the iPod, we begin to discover what they should be doing. If we can develop the iPod, that what we are able to develop products. "Recommendations of the staff has talked about professional cameras, cars, and other all kinds of crazy stuff. It is interesting, Tuoni·fadeer said not long ago, in 2008, when he and Steve Jobs talks about Apple Car should look.

How Apple keeps iOS closed source

Before the trial started in 2013, Apple and Samsung, Apple Vice President Henri Lamiraux in order not to open iOS iOS engineering parts of the source code, and submitted a statement to the Court, which reads as follows:

Apple, Apple source code access is the highest level of security protection. IOS source code of physical access is limited to authorized employees, and their code is only part of notes. Staff directly involved in software development, management, and security access. These employees also need to obtain management approval, authorized employees, they have authorized access to special account.

Apple to Samsung's "The next big thing is already here" hated advertising

Have Samsung like laughing at Apple and Apple in their own ads. Open a message in this lawsuit shows that Phil Schiller actually very dissatisfied with the company of Samsung's behavior, and he even suggested he change the advertising agency.

After 2013, Samsung ads, Schiller's TBWA\CHIAT\DAY advertising yourself contact sent a message, asking them to make a big change, and quickly.

Apple iPhone every month market research needs

Jobs said Apple will not be conducting market research, it is not so. In the lawsuit at Apple and Samsung, Apple iPhone and iOS Vice President of product marketing, Joswiak said Apple users in multiple countries every month.

These investigations enable Joswiak said Apple understands that in different countries is what drives consumer choice of Apple's iPhone, but not for other products, like Samsung Android device sold, they are the most commonly used features, users of statistical information, as well as their satisfaction with different aspects of the iPhone.

These surveys really has helped Apple has been able to learn in a variety of countries, consumers will tend to choose the iPhone because of which details properties.

Funny this is Apple market research is strictly confidential, and is usually only a small part of Apple's top executives to learn the results of the market survey

Joswiak said, "without my permission, any iPhone or iPad-related investigations are not able to open outside of the group. I don't usually allow relevant personnel to disclose such information. If I agree with public information about market research, then this information is basically interactive research, but such information is only exposed in the staff who need to know. ”

Steve Jobs think iPhone and Android war is a holy war

Steve jobs once said that he was willing to spend Apple's billions of dollars of cash reserves to launch Android "thermonuclear" and the other in October 2010, in a message, jobs also noted that 2011 will launch a holy war to Google. Message was sent 6 months after Apple is suing Samsung over the Court.

Apple's product roadmap is well thought out in advance

Also in his message that he already spoke about LTE support and iPhone 5 hardware problem, the time the email is in October 2010, and the iPhone 5 is released in 2012, exactly two years earlier. Jobs also mentioned the iPad 2 to be published to keep ahead of your competitors ' strengths.


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